WebIO7 internal automation will monitor your sensors and use defined rules to control your devices and send notificaitions.
An automation rule lets you define a trigger that will cause an action. WebIO7 currently supports 6 user defined automation rules.
An automation trigger can be defined as a hardwired input state (high or low) or a wireless temperature value. An action can be defined as a Relay state, RF Outlet On/Off message, X10 powerline message, HTTP-GET message, or an SMTP Email.
The automation HTTP action can send input state changes and temperature values to your own web server where you can handle the data for your own needs. On your own web server you can display data/graphs and setup your won rules for email/text message notification (your server sending an email). WebIO7 documentation will contain example webpage/server code in PHP for for a LAMP server environment.
The WebIO7 screen above shows the automation setup page.
See Automation Setup for more information.